My11Game is a fantasy sports platform. My11Game offers online games, including and not limited to fantasy cricket. The Terms and Conditions of My11Game is an agreement between the user (herein after you,user) and My11Game (hereinafter app, website, or platform) that defines the extent of a user's access and usage of the services provided by the platform.

Usage of My11Game
The person who accesses My11Game for any contests or games (including fantasy games and fun features), available on our website, is bound by these Terms and Conditions and any other rules, regulations, or terms of use referred to herein related to My11Game Services.
My11Game reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions, rules, regulations, or terms of use at any time. These changes will be posted on My11Game with enough notice so you can always be up-to-date. By using My11Game, you're agreeing to our Terms and Conditions, as well as the guidelines and regulations we have related to My11Game. They may be amended from time to time. My11Game may, at its sole discretion, also notify the User of any change or modification in these Terms and Conditions, rules, regulations and terms of use referred to herein or provided by My11Game, by way of sending an email to the User's registered email address or posting notifications in the User accounts. If you disagree or don't accept the amendments, you have a defined time frame to let us know. If you don't indicate your non-acceptance of the amendment within this period, you are bound by the new Terms & Conditions, rules, regulations, and terms of use. In case you don't agree with the changes, My11Game reserves the right to deny your access to My11Game's services and features.
Certain My11Game services might be subject to additional rules. To the extent that these Terms and Conditions are inconsistent with the additional rules, the additional rules shall prevail.

My11Game may, at its sole and absolute discretion:
1. Revise or make additions and/or deletions to the roster of players available for selection in a Contest on account of revisions to the roster of players involved in the relevant Sports Event
2. Change, suspend, or discontinue all or any part of the My11Game Platform Services
3. Establish general practices and limits concerning use of My11Game Platform
4. Move or remove any content that is available on My11Game Platform
5. Deactivate or delete a User's account and all related information and files on the account
6. Offer coupons/bonuses to its users in the form it deems fit
7. Reject, move, or remove any material that may be submitted by a User
8. Restrict, suspend, or terminate any User's access to all or any part of My11Game Platform Services

9. Assign its rights and liabilities of all User accounts hereunder to any entity (post intimation of such assignment shall be sent to all Users to their registered email ids)

In the event any User breaches, or My11Game reasonably believes that such User has breached these Terms and Conditions, or has illegally or improperly used My11Game or the My11Game Services, My11Game may, at its sole and absolute discretion, and without any notice to the User, restrict, suspend or terminate such User's access to all or any part of My11Game Contests or the My11Game Platform, deactivate or delete the User's account and all related information on the account, delete any content posted by the User on My11Game and further, take technical and legal steps as it deems necessary.

If your account is suspended or deleted due to neglect, My11Game will repay the platform fee paid to use any of our services after deducting the processing fee and the value of any used game items. The refunded amount will be credited as Google Play Credit.

However, no refund will be made if suspension or removal is due to the following:
1. The breach of the Terms and Conditions defined by My11Game or inappropriate use of My11Game or services provided by My11Game
2.Any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of My11Game By accepting these terms and conditions, users agree to receiving communications from My11Game or any of its partners, licensees, or associates.

Privacy Policy
All the information users provide us is subject to our Privacy Policy. You can read it here: Privacy Policy.

User Conduct
To ensure a satisfying user experience, My11Game users must follow all the rules and regulations. If not, we may, at its sole and absolute discretion,take necessary remedial action, including but not limited to:

1. Restricting, suspending, or terminating any User’s access to all or any part of My11Game Services
2. Deactivating or deleting a User's account and all related information and files on the account. Any amount remaining unused in the User's Coin Account or Winnings
3. Account on the date of deactivation or deletion will not be refunded
4. Refraining from awarding any winning(s) to such User

By using the My11Game services, users agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information. The individual also consents to keeping their registration information up to date. A User shall not register or operate more than one account. Users agree to ensure that they can receive all communication from My11Game by marking it as a "safe sender" in their e-mail or SMS. If a user does not read a My11Game message in their inbox, then My11Game will not be held liable. My11Game requires all users to keep their account information private. When you sign up for our service, you should not share your password or account information with anyone else. If any unauthorized individual attempts to access your account, please notify us. Users agree to log out of the account at the end of each session. If users don't, My11Game is not responsible for any losses or damages that may result. Users agree not to use cheats, exploits, automation, software, bots, hacks or any unauthorized third party software designed to modify or interfere with My11Game Services and/or My11Game experience or assist in such activity. Users agree not to modify the software and files that make up My11Game's services without My11Game's express written consent.
Users who take and use My11Game and its services and features agree not to:

1. Disrupt or overload servers or computers that offer or support My11Game services or Fun Features.
2. Disrupt other users' enjoyment of My11Game services.

Users agree not to disrupt, interfere with, or otherwise ruin the My11Game experience for others. This includes things such as viruses, denial of service attacks, and other such malicious activities. Users agree not to gain access to My11Game Services by any means other than the interface provided. This includes but is not limited to, by circumventing or modifying the security, technology, or software that underlies or is part of My11Game Services. Users shall not publish any content that is false and untrue and is meant to mislead or harass another person, entity, or company in order to gain money or cause injury.
Without limiting the foregoing, Users agree not to use My11Game for any of the following:

1. To engage in any obscene, offensive, hateful, indecent, racial, communal, anti-national, or abusive action or communication
2. To harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate any legal rights of other individuals
3. To publish, post, upload, e-mail, distribute, or disseminate (collectively, "Transmit") any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, or unlawful content
4. To Transmit files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage or adversely affect the operation of another person's computer, My11Game, any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment
5. To advertise, offer or sell any goods or services for any commercial purpose on My11Game without the express written consent of My11Game
6. To deprive any other visitor of the experience of using our platforms
7. To attack or disrupt My11Game's servers or networks
8. To place any burden on our infrastructure that is too heavy or burdensome.
9. To use forums/communities/chat functions for anything illegal, you agree to only have appropriate and related discussions. You also agree not to use the Forums/communities/chat function for any illegal activities.

If a user picks a username that is obscene, indecent, abusive, or is an official team/league/franchise name and/or the name of any sporting personality, My11Game reserves the right, without prior notice to the user, to restrict usage of that name. This includes changing it or deleting it entirely.

While a player violates the aforementioned norms and is simultaneously reported by a majority of players, and is detected by the My11Game system or security department for:

1. Account anomalies
2. Abnormal Winning acquisition
3. Use of multiple accounts to play the game
4. Malicious repetition of claiming game rewards
5. Fraudulent transfers, game cheating
6. Exploiting system errors
7. Unfair means to obtain rewards
8. Arbitrage actions

or any behavior that impacts other players' gaming experience and disrupts game balance; if a player commits any of the above acts in violation of the norms, My11Game has the right to directly freeze or block the player's account without accepting any objections or evidence, and in severe cases, to delete the account and recover all rewards.

In the case of a penalized player has made in-game purchases, then My11Game will judge whether the purpose of the purchase was legitimate. If the system or security department detects that the player has made purchases through system errors and maliciously obtained rewards, My11Game, based on the principle of protection, reserves the right to refuse a refund. If, after investigation by the system and security department, the purchase process is confirmed to be legitimate and there was no malicious refund through system errors, My11Game will compensate by refunding the amount after deducting costs, with refunds primarily issued in local payment getaway.

To register on My11Game Platform for the Contest(s), participants has to provide the following information :

1. Username
2. E-mail
3. Password
To participate, all participants must agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions. By Registering My11Game, the user agrees to be bound by these Terms and the decisions of My11Game. Subject to the terms and conditions stipulated herein below, the Company, at its sole discretion, may disqualify any user from a Contest, refuse to award benefits or prizes and require the return of any prizes, if the user engages in unfair conduct, which the Company deems to be improper, unfair or otherwise adverse to the operation of the Contest or is in any way detrimental to other Users which includes, but is not limited to:

Persons who wish to participate must have a valid email address. My11Game may withhold prizes for anyone found to have "insider knowledge" of participating teams in any given contests/matches, organizing boards, leagues, etc. Only those Participants who have successfully registered on the My11Game as well as registered prior to each match in accordance with the procedure outlined above shall be eligible to participate in the Contest and win prizes.

Payment Terms
In respect of any transactions entered into on the My11Game platform, Users agree to be bound by the following payment terms: The payment of pre-designated “coin” Users make to participate in the Contest(s) is inclusive of the pre-designated platform fee for access to the My11Game Services charged by My11Game and predetermined participant’s contribution towards prize pool. My11Game reserves the right to charge a Platform Fee, which would be specified and notified by My11Game on the Contest page, being created on My11Game platform, prior to a User's joining of such a Contest. The Platform Fee (inclusive of applicable tax thereon) will be debited from the User’s account balance. The User may participate in a Contest wherein the User has to contribute a pre-specified contribution towards the Prize Pool of such Contest, which will be passed on to the Winner(s) of the Contest after the completion of the Contest as per the terms and conditions of such Contest. It is clarified that My11Game has no right or interest in Prize Pool, and only acts as an intermediary engaged in collecting and distributing the Prize Pool in accordance with the Contest terms and conditions. The amount to be paid-in by the User towards the Prize Pool would be debited from the User’s coin account in My11Game. My11Game's services offer two types of accounts for the processing and reconciliation of payments: (1) "coin" Account, (2) "winning" Account. A user can transfer funds from their winning account to another user's winning account.

Contacting Winners
Winners will be contacted by My11Game via app notification or the email address provided at the time of registration. Users are responsible for providing proper and complete information at the time of registration. My11Game is not liable for any communication or omissions that may lead to a situation where the winner is not able to be contacted.

Taxes Payable
Miscellaneous My11Game's Winning distribution and awarding related decisions will be final and non-contestable My11Game will not be liable for any issues with the prizes, as far as permitted by law. My11Game may, at its sole and absolute discretion, vary or modify the prizes being offered to winners. Participants shall not raise any claim against My11Game or question its right to modify such prizes being offered, prior to closure of the Contest.

Tabulation of fantasy points
My11Game clearly states that it relies on the accuracy and completeness of third-party score/statistic feeds, and that it does not warrant or make any representations about the accuracy thereof in any event. Users agree not to make any claims or complaints to My11Game about unreliable scores/statistics.

By accepting a prize from My11Game, the Winners hereby allow us to use their name, likeness, voice and comments for advertising purposes in any media worldwide. The Winners also agree to be available for promotional purposes as wanted by My11Game, without any charge. The exact dates will remain the My11Game's sole discretion. Promotional activities may include but not be limited press events, meetings within the company, and/or ceremonies/functions.

General Conditions
In a rare event wherein My11Game identifies the need of any governmental, statutory or regulatory compliances or approvals for organizing any Contest(s) or the company identifies any on-going Contest(s) breaching the legal guidelines or being prohibited by the legal authorities, then, My11Game hold all the rights to cancel such Contest(s) without any prior notice to the participants or the winners. Individuals who use our services agree that they will not make any claims related to the cancellation in any way.

Dispute and Dispute Resolution
In the event of any legal dispute (which may be a legal issue or question) which may arise, the party raising the dispute shall provide a written notification ("Notification") to the other party. On receipt of Notification, the parties shall first try to resolve the dispute through discussions. In the event that the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within fifteen (15) days of receipt of Notification, the dispute shall be settled by arbitration. The arbitration award will be binding on the Parties, and each Party will bear its own costs of arbitration and equally share the fees of the arbitrator unless the arbitral tribunal decides otherwise. The arbitrator shall be entitled to pass interim orders and awards, including the orders for specific performance and such orders would be enforceable in competent courts. The arbitrator shall give a reasoned award. Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions shall prevent My11Game from seeking and obtaining interim or permanent equitable or injunctive relief, or any other relief available to safeguard My11Game's interest prior to, during or following the filing of arbitration proceedings or pending the execution of a decision or award in connection with any arbitration proceedings from any court having jurisdiction to grant the same. The pursuit of equitable or injunctive relief shall not constitute a waiver on the part of My11Game to pursue any remedy for monetary damages through the arbitration described herein.

Third Party Sites, Services and Products
My11Game may contain links to external websites that we don't own and operate. In using any of these sites, users are subject to the conditions, if any, posted by the sites. My11Game cannot be held responsible for any content or links that it posts on its site. My11Game's inclusion of third-party content or links to third-party Internet sites is not an endorsement by My11Game of such third-party Internet sites. My11Game is not responsible for users correspondence, transactions, or activities with third parties. Correspondence, transactions, and activities with third parties are solely between the user and that third party. User's correspondence, transactions, and usage of the services/offers of third parties are subject to the terms and conditions, policies of these third parties. The User is solely responsible for reviewing these terms before transacting with or using these third parties. User agrees that My11Game will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of any such transactions/offers with third parties. Any questions, complaints, or claims related to any third party product or service should be directed to the appropriate vendor. My11Game may contain content from third-party sources. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by third parties, and it should not be relied upon when using our services or participating in any contests hosted on My11Game. In any activities, events, or actions in this game, they are directly operated by Weiyun. APPLE is not a sponsor, nor is it involved in any form.

My11Game may be required under certain legislation to notify users of certain events. Users hereby agree to accept My11Game posting notices on the My11Game or delivering notices to users through their email address provided at the time of registration. If users do not provide accurate information, My11Game cannot be held liable for failure to notify users. My11Game is not responsible for any delays or failure to perform caused by outside forces. This includes any delay/failure to perform due to unforeseen circumstances including but not limited to natural disasters, terrorism, violence, and any cancellation of any match to which a Contest relates. If any of these events happen, My11Game shall be entitled to cancel contests and process refunds accordingly. My11Game's failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. These Terms and Conditions, including all terms, conditions, and policies that are incorporated herein by reference, constitute the entire agreement between the User(s) and My11Game and govern user's use of the My11Game, superseding any prior agreements that any User may have with My11Game. If any part of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the rest of them will stay intact. In accordance with My11Game's policies, My11Game reserves the right to moderate, restrict or ban the use of My11Game from any users who violate My11Game's policy from time to time without any notice. My11Game reserves the right to close or suspend any My11Game Services, including any contests, at any time at its sole discretion.

As permitted by law, neither My11Game nor its parent/holding company, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, professional advisors, employees or any other person shall be responsible for the deletion, the failure to store, the mis-delivery, or the untimely delivery of any information or material. As permitted by law, My11Game shall not be responsible for any harm resulting from downloading or accessing any information or material, the quality of servers, games, products, amusement facilities or sites, cancellation of competition and prizes. My11Game disclaims any responsibility for, and if a User pays for access to one of My11Game’s Amusement Facilities the User will not be entitled to a refund as a result of, any inaccessibility that is caused by My11Game’s maintenance on the servers or the technology that underlies our sites, failures of My11Game’s service providers (including telecommunications, hosting, and power providers), computer viruses, hacking or other destruction or damage of our facilities, acts of nature, war, civil disturbance, or any other cause beyond our reasonable control. In addition, My11Game does not provide any warranty as to the content on the Website(s). The Website(s) content is distributed on an “as is, as available” basis. As permitted by law You must be of 18 years old for participating in any contest on My11Game